Travel to Germany, England, the US or within Canada
this summer and earn academic credit
with SMCDSB and (TBD)
Want to earn an academic credit while travelling the world?
We’ve partnered with (TBD) to bring students an unforgettable Travel for Credit experience in Canada and Europe next summer. Students will earn academic credit for their chosen course and apply their learnings to the real world.
Explore Courses
View available courses: TBD
The Travel Credits will be delivered through Summer School
WHAT: There are a variety of courses available Remote (virtual) online with both synchronous (live Sessions) and asynchronous instruction. For a full description of Remote (Virtual) Courses, please follow the link below:
WHERE: Remote (Virtual) Delivery with SMCDSB Summer School - TBD
Note: With travel dates within this timeframe -refer to travel itinerary - TBD
Registration: TBD